For September: Take the time to reach out to help one survivor, one school, one community. Without authentic dialogue and a fresh perspective, nothing will change.
A teacher reported back to me: “…we had an incident <in a nearby school> this summer. I emailed your report to a friend on the BOE and the high school principal. I’m happy to say they took it very seriously and the board member sent it to other board members. So your work is ending up in places you don’t even know about it. It is much more widely disseminated than you even know.”
Board chairs and school heads are using our report with their staff this summer and fall after speaking with alums from HM and other schools. We have heard from alumni about discussions with the New England Association of Independent Schools (NEAIS), the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and about seminars teachers have conducted based on the report.
— Send the link to your own child’s head of school. Ask about how its procedure incorporates the best practices. Ask now, before any event makes conversation far more difficult.
— Urge current teachers to read the alumni-sponsored Report. Start and continue a conversation this September.
Reach a teacher you had or know. Send the link to the Report, best practices, recommendations and news.
— Assess your school:
— Understand best practices administrators endorse:
— Install specific recommendations:…/findings-recommendations/
— Read the Report:
— Find news and updates:
We can assist teachers planning to conduct seminars using the case materials. Email us at: